Gutter Cleaning in Port Huron MI

Why do I need to get my gutters cleaned?

Your gutters are tasked with moving the water coming from your roof to a more desirable location. Over time things that have made their way on to the roof will find their way into the gutters blocking or impairing the flow of water. With the flow of water compromised the gutters only job, has now been made more difficult. As the gutters continue to get more and more clogged eventually the flow of water will come to a standstill. We know that standing water is never good, now factor in standing water with leaf debris, algea and have a recipe for organic growth.

Whats the worst that can happen if my gutters are clogged?

When gutters become clogged they provide a haven for organic growth including mold, algea, bacteria and insects. Each associated with their own risks. Things like mold and algea in a gutter will likely allow the growth to reach the edge of the shingles where it will take hold and cause raised edges on your shingles. Not to mention the smell of standing water and organic growth just above your head.Along with algea and mold, insects now have a place that will protect them on three sides with adequate moisture. Things like mosquitoes use standing water to develop their larvae, anything that encourages mosquitoes we want to avoid! Furthermore, your gutters become so overrun with water they will overflow depositing organic growth along decks,walkways and the side of your home. If their is landscaping under the gutters their is sure to be erosion from the large volume of water overflowing into one spot.

How do I clean my gutters?

Cleaning gutters isnt an especially difficult task, that being said its best left to the proffesionals. The risks involved with cleaning gutters doesnt actually involve the gutters.It involves the ladders required to clean gutters.Not only will you be standing on a ladder anywhere from 5ft-25ft off the ground, you will be doing it while leaning into awkward positions. If you arent comfortable on a ladder this is a recipe for disaster. What can be an afternoon project can turn into a hospital trip. Due to the risks its best to leave the gutter cleaning to PowerPros. We have the equipment to make your gutters flow like new. Give us a call today to get your gutters flowing like new!

Whats the difference between gutter cleaning and gutter brightening?

Gutter cleaning removes the debris INSIDE the gutter to allow the gutter to flow as intended. Gutter brightening is the act of spraying a chemical on to the OUTSIDE of the gutter to get rid of the crud that may overflow out of the gutters.Gutter brightening is a service we offer, but not every home will benefit. Usually gutters < 5 years of age will be able to be brightened. Gutters are coated with a protective layer of paint, like any other paint, it will oxidize over time. The reason we cannot brighten gutters on some homes is because the oxidization is to a point that washing them will cause the oxidized layer to be removed and leave the gutter with light spots. Sometimes this is in the form of spotting or tiger striping. We will be able to identify if the oxidization is to severe when we arive on site. If requested we can still wash the gutters but will advise you that gutter painting is needed, we do not provide that sevice.We are just a call away and ready to wash your gutters!

Power Pros Exterior Cleaning

Providing the Port Huron area with power washing and soft washing services.