How Do You Remove Rust From Siding?


1 If rust is found on metal, does acid eliminate the rust and if so what kind of acid? UCSB Science Line

2 Weak acid - meaning and examples

3 IRON MINING: WHERE AND WHY? Michigan State University

4 The influence of the interfacial conditions on rust conversion by phosphoric acid? Corrosion Science

Published 2022-10-28

We need to know what rust is before we know how to remove it.

The sump pump drain has caused rust to form on this vinyl siding. Power washing can not remove these stains. Soft Washing did!

When we refer to “rust” we are talking about red iron oxides that form on the surface of metals that contain iron. Michigan is rich in iron, in fact, in 1994, the Lake Superior area produced 95% of the US’s supply of iron ore 3. This oxidation occurs when iron is exposed to oxygen, increasing oxygen leads to faster oxidation. So, if rust occurs when iron is introduced to oxidation, is there any way to stop it? Unfortunately, no.. There are however ways to slow down the oxidation process. Things like applying coatings to the surface is the most common method. We know what rust is, but how does it appear on the surface of brick, vinyl, and concrete?

Why do nonmetal surfaces appear to rust?

Rust on siding, concrete and brick is a common occurrence in Port Huron, for that matter in many areas throughout Michigan. How did it get there? Could there be some trace amounts of iron in your siding? Nope, in fact vinyl cannot rust under any circumstances, that does not mean it can’t be STAINED from rust. There is a good chance if you look at where the rust stain is on your siding, you will be able to identify what caused it. Vinyl can become stained from water spigots rusting above them, rusting gutter hardware, sump pump drainage or even a sprinkler source consistently spraying hard water on the siding. In the case of rusting hardware, the water will carry the degraded iron over the surfaces below causing the rust to continue to form but now staining the surface under it. What if nothing is rusting but I still have rust stains? Sprinklers spraying hard water is usually the culprit, or even rainwater hitting soil rich in iron causing the iron to splash on to the surface your foundation and lower siding. Hard water in Michigan is typically loaded with iron, however, city water is treated, and most minerals and trace metals are removed so rust stains from sprinklers are usually limited to rural areas.

How do you remove rust stains?

These rust stains were no match for our rust removal process!

While rust is persistent and annoying, it can be removed from almost anything. When removing rust, the goal is always to increase the solubility of iron oxides. In almost every instance this requires the use of chemicals. There are numerous acids that are used for rust removal, each having its pros and cons. The effectiveness is usually determined by the strength of the acid. Cleaners containing Hydrochloric Acid will be the most effective, but they are also highly corrosive and if improperly used, will corrode metals. Some cleaners utilize weak acids, As an example, Hydrofluoric acid - a weak hydrohalic acid 2. Hydrofluoric Acid (HF) may be considered a “weak” acid, but it is arguably more hazardous to your health than other “strong” acids. Encountering enough HF will penetrate your skin, destroy bone, and can cause a heart attack 1. Therefore, its best to leave rust removal to the professionals at PowerPros.

On the topic of rust remover, let's talk about rust converters. Rust converter's tackle the problem from a different angle. Applying a rust convertor will cause the iron oxides to be converted to iron phosphate, it is then washed away. We shy away from phosphoric acid due to the black and white residue left behind that can be difficult to wash away. Also it was found that the conversion of rust depends strongly on the time of exposure and on the acid concentration used in the pretreatment 4. Typically, phosphoric acid takes much longer to provide desired results.

Power Pros Exterior Cleaning

Providing the Port Huron area with power washing and soft washing services.