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Soft Washing

Concrete, Brick and Aggregate Sealing In Port Huron

A common question we get is "Do I need to seal my concrete, brick or aggregate?". The awnser is typically, yes. While the aformentioned are extremely durable, the use of concrete or brick sealer will surely slow the weathering process and increase the amount of time you get out of that concrete patio, brick exterior or even your aggregate sidewalk.
-PowerPros L.L.C
PowerPros helps with getting the most accurate quote you can.
Soft Washing

Window Washing In Port Huron

Window washing involves removing contaminants from the glass pane and structure of a window. While this sounds easy in theory, there are things that must be accomplished otherwise your scrubbing windows not cleaning them.
-PowerPros L.L.C
PowerPros helps with getting the most accurate quote you can.
Soft Washing
Power Washing

Getting an accurate power washing or soft washing quote.

When requesting a quote there are some things you as the homeowner can do to help yourself BEFORE the quote is given. Typically, there are a few things every homeowner can do including cleaning, observing, and addressing some issues related to homes exterior.
-PowerPros L.L.C
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Soft Washing
Stain Removal
Power Washing

How Do You Clean Vinyl Siding?

Before we know how to clean vinyl siding, we need to know what vinyl siding is. Vinyl siding consists primarily of polyvinyl chloride (PVC). PVC requires two simple building blocks, salt and ethylene (a derivative of natural gas). After processing these two components result in vinyl resin which is the backbone of PVC.
-PowerPros L.L.C
After we surface cleaned the driveway.
Soft Washing
Stain Removal

How do you remove rust from siding?

When we refer to “rust” we are talking about red iron oxides that form on the surface of metals that contain iron. Michigan is rich in iron, in fact, in 1994, the Lake Superior area produced 95% of the US’s supply of iron ore.
-PowerPros L.L.C
After we surface cleaned the driveway.
Power Washing
Soft Washing

Power Washing In Port Huron

Those that live in Port Huron know just how beautiful this city is. We will dive into the natural beauty later in this post, lets talk a little about the history of Port Huron. Ranging from the seventeen Michigan State Historic Markers, to the fourteen sites listed on the National Register of Historic Places, there is alot of history in Port Huron.
-PowerPros L.L.C
Rust stain from sump pump.
Soft Washing
Power Washing

What Is The Difference Between Power Washing And Soft Washing?

Power washing and soft washing both aim to achieve a clean surface. Typically, both use water as the main component of their cleaning process. As well as water they both use pumps to increase the pressure of the inlet water (typically a hose but both methods can use storage tanks).
-PowerPros L.L.C