Getting An Accurate Power Washing Quote

Published 2023-01-20

Getting the most accurate quote is key to getting the cheapest quote.

When requesting a quote there are some things you as the homeowner can do to help yourself BEFORE the quote is given. Typically, there are a few things every homeowner can do including cleaning, observing, and addressing some issues related to homes exterior.

Know what YOUR expectations are

This is key to ANY quote not just power washing or soft washing, what do you expect from your service provider. Nobody knows your home like you do, it’s important to make note of WHAT you want addressed and HOW you expect it to look. Setting your expectations allows you to discuss those expectations with PowerPros L.L.C so we can address them with you and have a conversation about what is realistic and what is not. Let us provide an example, typically vinyl siding over 20 years will show signs of oxidation (more if its in the direct sunlight). We don’t expect homeowners to understand oxidation and what is required, this is a perfect time to have a conversation and set our expectations.

While PowerPros L.L.C is completely capable of removing oxidation via our soft wash method, the chemicals and labor involved increases the price considerably. Is this something you want to invest in right now? If you don’t discuss those expectations, you may do the final inspection and find that the oxidation is still there. It happens to all of us, now you’re focusing only on what WASN’T done and not the rest of the house.

Clean the area being serviced

This is no surprise, an accurate quote can only be given if we know what is being cleaned. Common things such as hose reels and some decorations are nothing to be concerned about. We’re more concerned about pallets, wheelbarrows, overgrown plants, and other things that are bulk in size. Moreover, these items are typically very dirty, so naturally we are going to think the area is dirty but it may not be. We have no way of knowing, It’s mutually beneficial to help PowerPros L.L.C get you the most accurate price on power washing and soft washing.

Address existing issues

Do you have any leaking windows, chipped siding, damaged outlets? While PowerPros can work around some issues, some we can’t. Typically, we will address these at the time of the quote, sometimes we may require an issue be addressed before we can provide the service. Other times we can prep the area and work around it. However, all of this takes time. It’s in the homeowners’ interest to fix these before the service. A quick example that may help drive the point home. If your having car trouble and you take your car to the repair shop to fix the engine but your hood is broken, they will fix the engine…. AFTER they spend the time fixing the hood. If you can fix the hood yourself, it’s in your best interest.

Communication is key

Don’t be afraid to ask questions about a service you may be paying for. We are here to help and we enjoy explaining to customers how we can help them with our house washing methods. For your power washing and soft washing needs call PowerPros L.L.C.

Power Pros Exterior Cleaning

Providing the Port Huron area with power washing and soft washing services.